Profile of the U.S. Commercial Vehicle Market

Universe Analysis of Class 2c-8 Trucks & Trailers


Data Driven Decision Makers: This Profile has been developed to provide a clear, thorough and unbiased picture of the Class 2c-8 commercial truck and trailer ownership and usage. 

Content: Commercial Vehicle Market Focus

  • U.S. Retail Sales History and Forecast
  • Changes in Market (Who and Why)
  • Brand Share and Engine Sales
  • Truck Parts Aftermarket Demand
  • Vocation Universe and Operating Characteristics
  • MacKay's proprietary measure of freight movement in the U.S. economy detailed through Truckable Economic Activity (TEA®)

Ready to Ship: Detailed 30 page glossy printed profile report of U. S. Truck and Trailer Market Data including Commercial Vehicle Populations, Brand Share,  Aftermarket Parts Demand and much more.

Deeper Analysis: Want more?  This report serves as a general overview.  We have MUCH more data and industry knowledge! We are available to consult with you on your specific market needs.

Thank you for expressing an interest in our Profile of the U.S. Commercial Vehicle Market.  Please provide your contact information so that we can contact you. Or you may email John Blodgett at ( to request additional information.


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